Sunday, November 23, 2008


I have been invisible lately due to late nights at work and busy weekends at home. My house is officially on the market now that most of my chores are done and work is slowly but surely slowing to a reasonable pace. This will be temporary of course but the short breather will be appreciated. I thought of posting a devotion tonight but instead I will post the thoughts on my mind instead.

These thoughts came about due to an email received a short while ago. In short, the email brought to mind the current state of our nation. We are in a spiritual battle, recognized by most or not, and it is clear we are losing. Don't get me wrong, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we will ultimately be victorious through Christ's return. But for now, as a whole, America is failing. We are sinking rapidly and our only hope is to return to God.

The message is clear and is what we as Christians should be focused on daily. Get in the Word. Trust God. Rally ourselves for the spiritual battle that has never ceased but has escalated to a point that can no longer be ignored. We are soldiers of Christ and I fear many of us (including myself) have laid the armor down long ago. Complacency always accompanies comfort. We have been comfortable far too long. It's time to equip ourselves for the war that is to come. It is obvious that my generation is weaker than the one before me and those after me are lesser still. And to be honest, without the peace I have in God's providential care, I would be filled with worry for what is to come. Without doubt I and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ will be called upon to fight for what is right. Correction, the call has been issued. Are we ready?

We must pray for both God's protection and mercy. We must pray without ceasing.

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