Monday, August 10, 2009

Yet Another Sellout...


The article listed above should be read but I warn you, it is disappointing. Of course this seems to be a common thread when dealing with any politician these days.

Bob Inglis doesn’t really make sense when he tries to strike up a contrast between himself and Glenn Beck by stating he believes in an America founded by folks who overcame adversity most of us will never see to start a country made up of great freedoms and opportunities. I’m quite certain Beck agrees with him on that point. I’m not sure anyone would disagree with him. Even liberals hail our founding fathers as courageous and outstanding leaders. The contrast is in where we are now vs. where we should be. Perhaps Inglis' words are only to highlight a contrast in approach to that of Glenn Beck. I know, I'm reaching, and I don't truly believe promoting positivity was Bob's point.

Inglis' comments point out that he doesn’t understand the dire straits we have let ourselves, as a nation, fall into any more than the moron who voted for Obama because NBC told them to. I think it’s a case of Inglis simply not getting it. By highlighting what the current administration is doing to run this great nation and its most productive people into the ground, Beck is not saying our future is hopeless. He is prodding those of us who have been content to let others fight our battles to move. He is attempting to issue a call to arms. The silent majority has been silent too long. And if we believe there is hope for our nation, we must not be silent any longer. And yes, a lot of what I see going does strike a chord of fear in me. As it should. The happenings that are completely contrary to all that I stand for and all that this nation should stand for are both scary and infuriating. And it is that anger that has motivated me to become more than just a passive conservative. Just as it has motivated many others to attend tea parties, to write their congressmen, to stand up and be counted. Inglis’ comments lead one to believe that he is content with the Republican status quo. I understand not wanting to foster a spirit of fear in his constituents however there is a distinct difference in promoting hope for our party and accepting defeat by adopting the Liberal lies and agenda.

Like Lindsay Graham, Inglis now comes across as weak and I don’t want a weak moderate representing me. I hope he realizes that by sticking his head in the sand he is doing his voters a disservice and he is an embarrassment at best. Not to mention, this certainly doesn’t look like a simple contrast in approach when you see his comments in light of his voting record. I haven’t followed him as closely as I should and it’s been easy for him to fly in under the radar given the many controversies that plague the conservative party. But truth be told, he’s flip-flopped more than a fish on dry land.

I can’t help but think he’s getting ready to make a bid for the White House come 2012 on a much, much more moderate ticket (if not left of center) and this is simply laying the groundwork for such a campaign. Truthfully, I think we may have the beginnings of yet another sellout in our midst. I hope I’m wrong.

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