Thursday, July 2, 2009

Let Us Be Alert and Sober


Many people are snoozing through life. They tell themselves that the earth's troubles will eventually end: leaders will somehow bring harmony to war-torn lands, provide food for all, and create economic stability. However, true peace and safety aren't possible in a world ruled by Satan and inhabited by fallen man.

The church must stay alert and monitor world events through the lens of biblical prophecy. Jesus warned of widespread trouble preceding the tribulation and His second coming (Matt. 24:6-14). He offered signs rather than dates so His followers would be watchful and ready to go at any moment. But we're not to neglect our kingdom duties. We should be building, serving, even while anticipating His return.

Nominal Christians run the risk of being unprepared for the troubling times ahead. These are people who come to church if the weather is good, read the Bible only when they're worried, or allow worldly pleasures to distract them from heavenly things. We're no better than drowsy watchmen if we adopt such attitudes. The wise believer is consumed by Christ--empty of his or her own wishes and pursuits and fully surrendered to the Lord's plans and desires. Only a servant completely focused upon God can be useful in His kingdom.

When God shifts things about on the world stage, people get anxious. We can encourage one another by sharing how He has worked in our life. We can also reveal the Source of our assurance and peace to a world in dire need of both. As the end draws near, realize now is not the time to be quiet.

In Touch Ministries

1 comment:

Les said...

"Even so, it is well with my soul."